Part A 1) Identify the physical, cognitive, social and emotional features of the child at that point in time. 2) Use relevant developmental theories and research to explain and evaluate the development of the child in these four domains
Lana Markovic turned 2 years old on the 5th of March 2010; she is currently attending day care to prepare her for her schooling years. Lana lives with both parents who are expecting another child in 4-5 months.
Physical Features: * Lana is physically fit as she is currently undertaking swimming lessons and enjoys physical activity such as running and playing with a ball. Lana is a generally healthy toddler; this is evident through the absence of any long term illnesses or conditions. However, throughout the year, Lana has recently had colds, ear aches and stomach aches which are possibly due to being exposed to other children in the day care centre. * By the age of 2m a toddler can hop run and throw and catch a ball (Cratty 1986, Malina & Bouchard 1991, Haywood & Getchell 2005) Lana’s gross motor skills are generally typical for her age however vary somewhat from slightly below average (climbing) to slightly above average (throwing and catching a ball). Lana’s skills are developing in accordance with the growth of her cerebellum which controls the bodily movements and enables Lana to increase her gross motor skills (Berk 2008) * Throughout the year, Lana showed goals of becoming potty trained and made it to the potty 60% of the time. At 2 years and 6 months, Lana was potty trained and rarely had any accidents. * Lana is above average in her fine motor skills (Cratty 1986, Malina & Bouchard 1991, Haywood & Getchell 2005) this is evident as she is able to copy shapes with a pencil and work with picture puzzles. This supports Piaget’s theory which stated that children reflect on what is around them through their hands and eyes.
References: * Bauer, P.J. (2002). Long-term recall memory: Behavioural and neuro-developmental changes in the first 2 years of life. Current directions in Psychological Science, 137-141 * Bauer, P.J * Berk, L. E. (2008) Infants, Children and adolescents (6th edn.) Pearson Education. * Bradley, R. H., & Caldwell, B.M. (1982). The consistency of the home environment and its relation to child development. International Journal of Behavioural Development. 445-465. * Bronfenbrenner, U. (Ed.). (2005). Making human beings human. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. * Bowlby, J. (1969). Attachment and loss: Vol. 1. Attachment. New York. Basic Books. * Cratty, B.J. (1986). Perceptual and motor development in infants and children (3rd edn.) Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. * McCune, L. (1993). The development of play as the development of consciousness. New directions for child development. 67-79. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. * Parten, M. (1932). Social participation among preschool children. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology 243-269. * Ruff, H. A., & Capozzoli, M. C. (2003). Development of attention and distractibility in the first 4 years of life. Developmental Psychology. * Vygotsky, L.S. (1962). Thought and language. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. (Original work published 1934)