Part 1
Quantative analysis of your food diary:
You need to write up your analysis of your food diary. State how long you have kept your food diary for, and write about the following points:
1. Consider how you have recorded your information. Where have you got your information from that will be analysed – how useful are these sources of information? (e.g food labels, weighing portions, recipes etc)
2. Research the Recommended Nutritional Intakes for your age and gender on . Choose 3 whole days of your food diary how does your food intake compare to the recommended Nutritional Intakes. Remember you need to break the food composition down into the main food groups including vitamins (in particular vitamin C) and the energy from fat in your food. What are the strengths and weaknesses of your food intake? Consider other recommended food intake sources such as five a day and food standards agency eatwell plate. How does your food intake measure up to this?
3. You may find it useful to research how many calories you should be intaking for your lifestyle. (a useful site )
4. Consider the amount of activity that you have done over the course of the week – what are the strengths and weaknesses of this level of activity? (another useful site )
5. Finally in the analysis consider any Lifestyle influences: as relevant, eg personal food preferences, cultural, economic, social, availability of 6. time; day-to-day variations, e.g week days/weekends
Once you have done this you need to move on to part 2 of the assignment task!
Part 2
1. Provide a 7 day nutritional plan to improve your nutritional health.
2. You should include a meal plan which addresses all of the issues