Chapter 16: Renaissance, Reformation, Absolutism & Enlightenment 1. What was the Protestant Reformation? Religious reform movement within the Latin Christian Church beginning in 1519; resulted in the “protesters” forming several new Christian denominations, including Lutheran and Reformed Churches and the Church of England How did Martin Luther promote the ideas of the Reformation? Posted a 95-page thesis on the door of the Church of Wittenberg People everywhere used Luther’s ideas to help form their own ideas about God and to start their own Church denominations Wrote about separating political power form church power Declared the Christian belief should be based on the word of God in the Bible and on Christian tradition Used printing press to spread ideas How did Calvinism differ from Lutheranism? Calvinism – denied the Lutheranism teaching that human faith alone could merit salvation Calvinism teaching – salvation was a gift from God that he gave to “predestined” people Calvin curtailed power of clerical hierarchy and simplified religious rituals Calvinists elected own governing committees and created regional and national council to regulate doctrinal issues Calvinists displayed simplicity in dress, life and worship; avoided high living and stripping churches of statues, most musical instruments, stained-glassed windows, incense, and vestments How was the English Reformation different?
2. What was the Catholic response to the Protestant Reformation? They were shaken by it Created Society of Jesus (Jesuits) Created Catholic Reformation - clarified Catholic theology and reformed clerical training and discipline How did King Philip II of Spain try to enforce religious orthodoxy?