In this report I will be analysing different types of business information and their sources using Sainsbury. Sainsbury is one of the second largest supermarket in the UK.
Verbal communication
Verbal information is the ways we communicate with each other using sound and voice. This verbal information allows people to share views and information to each other for a long time as its one of the easier way of communications. Example of verbal communication is face to face and telephone contact. This usually happen between two people when having a conversation by facing each other. Another way is through telephone (talking to other person over the phone). At Sainsbury the head of director will have a meeting (face to face) to talk over how they could improve the company. Sainsbury uses telephone to communicate with its customers.
Advantage of verbal communication
The good thing about using verbal communication especially in the finance department at Sainsbury is that, it’s easier to communicate verbally than other ways of communication such as written, onscreen, and multimedia. The reason is because its make clear understanding on every details that is being address by the other person. For example in Sainsbury, the Finance Department manager will use verbal communication in the meeting with their staff about any future plan or changes for the business. This is an advantage of the staff because they can ask any relevant question about the changes and they can know more about the new changes or plan.
Disadvantage of verbal communication
The bad thing of using verbal communication is that it is not always possible for the head manager to meet with its staff face to face because of the limitation of time. Another disadvantage is language barrier, where the other person have different accent which will cause poor communication between both people. the product that has been purchased. This method is faster than letters, as its take longer for a letter to arrive.
Advantage of written communication
The advantage of written communication is to refer back to the customer on any feedback via email or letter. This is because if the customer doesn’t understand the English accent properly, then the best way is through written information because it will makes it easier and clear to read.
Disadvantage of written communication
The disadvantage of written communication can be unclear instruction. If written instruction is not clear enough and it is not in the order it’s supposed to be and if something has to be done urgently according to the instruction given, then the staff will would not be able to follow the instruction appropriately.
Letter-Emails are internal source of information because they are being written by people working in different department. The department who will be responsible for this will the administration department.
Multimedia Communication
Multimedia information are put together to present information, this happen when text, video, images, animation are put together. Example of multimedia information video, TV, World Wide Web and much more. Sainsbury has product, images, information, video, sound and much more on their website. This shows that Sainsbury uses multimedia to attract people.
Onscreen communication
Onscreen information can be seen on a screen such as computer, television, laptop, tablet and much more. Sainsbury uses this method to share information on product on their website as well as using TV for advertisement.
The advantage of onscreen communication
The advantage of onscreen information is that many people can watch it and get information from it. The reason is because many people at home can watch the advert.
The advantage of onscreen communication The disadvantage of using on screen information such as TV is that many people will have to go to work, therefore they won’t be able to watch the advert. Still the company will have to pay for the advert. Another disadvantage is that people with blindness will not be able to watch the advert.
In this report I have described different type of information such as Verbal, Written, Multimedia, Onscreen, Web base and then analyse it by identifying the advantage and disadvantage of the type of information. Also I have explained the source (department) where they came from, as well as stating why they are effective.
Business level 3 Unit 4 business communication
Business level 2 Book Unit 2 and Unit 7
Bibliography: Business level 3 Unit 4 business communication Business level 2 Book Unit 2 and Unit 7