1.1 Every morning when I go to help Ms R . with her morning routine I first of all ask her how she feels and what she wants us to do that day.
1.2 We establish the level and type of support she needs for personal care by talking and respect her privacy.
1.3 We agree on the level of privacy she needs also by talking, I ask her when or if she wants me to help her to wash.
Outcome 2
2.1 It is very important to support the individuals to understand the reasons for hygiene and safety precautions. That is why I always explain Ms R. that the first thing we need to MAKE SURE SHE IS SAFE ON HER WHEELCHAIR. And also in days when she does not feel like taking a shower, I encorage her explaining that keeping a good hygiene is very important for her health and well being.
2.2 I always respect the health and safety procedures and the infection control procedures, so before working with any client I wash hands, I use antibacterial gel, I put on gloves, apron, plastic shower shoes. I also respect some good rules when giving a shower: was first face, hands and upper part with a white flanel and groins, bottom and feet with a dark flanel.
‘In my workplace I would report this immediately to the manager OR NURSE IN CHARGE and also record all my concerns in detail in the DIARY if it is something that regards the equipment. if it is something that regards the resident I will record everything in the care plan.If these pose a risk to others I must also complete a health and safety sheet and a risk assessment. The equipment in question would need to removed and replaced IMMIDIATELY; the facilities would have to be deep cleaned and any equipment sterilised or replaced.’
.the different ways to ensure the individual can summon help when alone during personal care’
‘In my workplace this can be done through a variety of ways. We always place the call bell close by to the service user