Air Pollution is a growing problem (Elsom, intro)
To highlight large disparities in urban air quality problems, focus on developed countries like UK with long history in research and policy vs developing countries still in the process of industrialization. Comparisons to show that due to different sources, different stage of development and economic structure, different effects and policy. But air pollution problems are global, interconnectedness. Also, difficulties in research apply to both due to changing science.
Sources of Pollution:
Ground level ozone Aviation, longer driving distances
Page 23: International shipping and aviation
In Europe, Nox emissions from shipping are 32% of land based NOx emissions and are expected to exceed these sources by 2020.
Shipping emissions provide a dominant source of urban air pollution in coastal areas and may be transported large distances
O3 precursors emitted during landing and takeoff are regulated.
Despite 40 years of control, O3 remains a serious problem in Europe.
Increase in background O3 not fully understood by thought to be due to mainly emission increases in other Northern Hemisphere countries.
(Elsom Reading): London and changes in nature of location nand employment. Shopping centres, less cycling etc.
And developing, disel powered fleet, black smoke, greater particulare emissions.
(China Reading) Since 1978, increasing number of migrants to urban areas. From 1980 to 2005, urban population in China increased from 19.6 to 40.5%. Megacities at the epxpene of the environment and likely to continue into the future.
Calcutta, rickshaws. (Bhaumik in Hill)
(Elsom Reading) Dehli traffic.
Smithson Page 165, Urban Pollution
Dense fogs associated with coal burning are a feature of the 19th century. Pollutants trapped within the urban boundary layers affects air
Bibliography: Anderson, H. R., de Leon, A. P., Bland, J. M., Bower, J. S., & Strachan, D. P. (1996). Air pollution and daily mortality in London: 1987-92. BMJ: British Medical Journal, 312(7032), 665. Elsom, D.M (1996) Smog Alert: Managing Urban Air Quality, Earthscan Hao, J., & Wang, L Levy, J. I., Buonocore, J. J., & Von Stackelberg, K. (2010). Evaluation of the public health impacts of traffic congestion: a health risk assessment.Environmental Health, 9(65), 1-12. Mage, D., Ozolins, G., Peterson, P., Webster, A., Orthofer, R., Vandeweerd, V., & Gwynne, M. (1996). Urban air pollution in megacities of the world.Atmospheric Environment, 30(5), 681-686.