Using Visuals To Communicate A Message
Business is the only thing that comes to mind when I can think of success. It is where people enter the work place, and begins their careers, or even starts their own career for others to follow along. The main idea in a business is getting the meaning of your company and what it stand for, so all can see and understand what it is about. Without advertising your business, or making a point for people to understand a business, it will more than likely not succeed. A business with little or no preparation in advertising and marketing will fail. “Nine out of ten business failures in the United States are caused by a lack of general business management skills and planning”(Mehralizadeh,2007) It takes time to put a business together, planning and preparation is a main key in keeping a business alive. When owning a company, an owner does not only have to prepare and plan to advertise for the clients, but it is also always necessary to advertise to your employees as well. For the Women Teen Crisis Center, a short video was created, in this video there were many images to catch the attention of the employees of the main responsibility at this center. Along with the video, there is also a description line up of the responsibilities. While the video creates its own message, even though it is not really broke down simple, it is obvious, but to go along with the video is the line up as well. This line up will also help explain in full description of the training and responsibilities that is expected in the work place. The choice of this video is made simply by the word emphasis. “Emphasis provides visual media with a focal point-something to attract and hold the attention of the audience.”(Ryan, 2012) The most efficient way to catch the audience is by video, something that has music,
References: Bland, V. (2007) Branding: Brand power - why it matters New Zealand Management,62. Retrieved from: Dewhurst, M. (2009) Motivating People: Getting Beyond Money Mckinsey&Company Retrieved from: Gan, M., & Kleiner, B. H. (2005). How to write job descriptions effectively Management Research News, 28(8), 48-54. Retrieved from: Mehralizadeh, Y., & Sajady , S. H. (2007). A study of factors related to successful and failure of entrepreneurs of small industrial business with emphasis on their level of education and training. Rochester Retrieve from: Ryan, W. (2012) Learning to See- A Guide to Visual Literacy Bridgepoint Education INC. Retrieved from: