VAK is an abbreviation for Visual, Auditory and Kinaesthetic. It is a learning style model that was developed in the 1920’s; its developmental purpose was to support the teaching of children with dyslexia (Grist, 2009). Now its purpose is to assist in interpreting what a person’s preferred learning style is, this allows them to adapt to this style.
VAK is primarily used in a learning environment, for example, schools, colleges and university but also has its uses in a business environment. It is beneficial to know your own learning style because it allows your “individual needs to be met” (Duckett and Tatarkowski, 2014).
VAK is used to understand the learning style that benefits an individual most. The process involves answering …show more content…
thirty questions using A, B or C answers. Each letter represents a learning style – A’s represent Visual learner, B’s an Auditory learner and C’s a Kinaesthetic learner.
Pritchard (2009) says a visual type of learner prefers to observe things through the written word, such as reading books and hand outs and writing down information or by observing pictures, charts and films.
They frequently move their hands when explaining something from memory. They have a vast imagination and find it easy to recall faces and places; and are able to remember what has been written down even if they have ready it only once.
An Auditory learner prefers to listen to the spoken word. They prefer to read out loud rather than in their heads. You may often see an auditory learner talking to themselves or you may see them moving their lips while reading. They find tasks that include reading and writing difficult. They may benefit from auditory tasks such as brainstorming, talking to other people, repeating information or using a tape recorder so they can go back and listen to what was said may help (Teach, no date).
Kinaesthetic learners will easily lose concentration if there is no peripheral stimulation or movement; for example music, TV, or background conversation. When listening during lectures they may choose to take notes purely due to needing some kind of stimulation i.e. hand movement. Kinaesthetic learners tend to find school difficult because it seems school education attend to visual and auditory learners rather than kinaesthetic learners. (Walsh, …show more content…
My Learning Style
After completing the VAK inventory my learning style was identified as seventeen for kinaesthetic, ten for visual, and three for auditory. I completed the questions a further two more times to see if my results would differ but I received the same results each time.
As a kinaesthetic learner I find that I remember what I have learnt, even if I have only done it once.
For example, during a hands-on learning experience which includes personal involvement, I feel more enthusiastic and involved in the whole process and I tend to see the bigger picture. (What is my learning style? 2014). From a personal viewpoint this is an advantage when reading information like instructions because I am able to scan over the page first, thus obtaining a brief understanding of what is being expected; after getting an initial insight I can then focus in greater detail on specific information on the page with an obtained understanding. However, a disadvantage to being a kinaesthetic learner is that I find it difficult to sit still and listen; this is especially difficult in lectures where the main focus is on the lecturer’s spoken word; also if there is no peripheral stimulation I find myself getting distracted and
Being a kinaesthetic learner can also be advantageous to me in a working environment; as long as I can continue to be “hands-on”, remembering what I have done or learnt should come effortlessly; this also means I can get the most out of work placement.
Identifying your learning style is massively important. Not only does it have benefits in academic learning but also allows you to understand yourself. By accepting and understanding my kinaesthetic style I am able to use it to my advantage by incorporating it into my studies and method of work. This in turn will allow me to progress through academic life.
I was already vaguely aware I was a kinaesthetic learner and was using it to my advantage by regularly using highlighters in my notes and drawing pictures alongside them. Knowing that I retain some visual preferences I acknowledge the fact that it will support and enhance my already recognised style. Having this knowledge will change the way I study for the better; for example, I may decide to take notes whilst watching a documentary and then use highlighters to mark key information.
Organisation and time management, at this moment in time, are two of my weaknesses; for example, I do not currently have a study plan for the week and I also experience difficulty organising books and papers to enable me to find them at a later date. However I now know that I can adapt what I have learned to help me address these weak points, for example, I will be using a chart to allocate myself study time and help me work toward my assignment deadlines. I would then pin these charts in my study space and place them in my work folders where I could refer to them when needed.
The use of a VAK analysis can be very useful in a professional environment. Being aware of your own style can instil confidence within yourself; in addition knowing your client’s learning style and how they absorb information ensures you adapt conversations or activities to suit their needs. This in turn puts them at ease and can assist in them not withdrawing into themselves. It also enhances your understanding of them as a person and ensures you are both ‘reading from the same page’.
In conclusion, a VAK analysis as an important tool in self-awareness. The benefits of understanding your own style can greatly assist your erudition, but will also enhance your professionalism in a practice environment.