"Few will have the greatness to bend history itself; but each of us can work to change a small portion of events, and in the total of all those acts will be written the history of this generation."
Yes, ours would be a generation to remember, also to cherish.
A very happy morning to one and all present here.
The ability to grow from childishness to maturity, from perplexity to lucidity has been unwearingly nurtured and prudently inculcated by a significant number of people – people that we need to pay econium to and express acknowledgement.
And I, Sanjana Khanter am here to express this heartfelt gratitude on behalf of my fellow batchmates who’re sitting down there, each looking gorgeous in their chosen hues.
To begin with, I’d like to thank God devoid of whom, none of us would be here.
It is said that it is not the years in a man’s life that matter, but it is the life in his years. This is a bitter sweet moment for us students of Std12. Looking back on the 14 years of school life, is like viewing the ever changing patterns of a kaleidescope, in glorious technicolour- each memory breathtakingly alluring and matchless.
These memories would be incomplete lacking the consistent and unvarying support of our altruistic Principal who never stumbled, never gave up on any of us, who realized that every venture begins with a single vestige. Sometimes she’s invigorated us to run and sometimes she has needed to hold in the reins - yet all the while, Ma’am you’ve relentlessly and incessantly encouraged us onward, culminating in what we are today.
Our Correspondent who is so welcoming and charming has always inspired an interest in us to emulate her characteristics. Ma’am, you’re a momentous part of Ewart and you’ll never be forgotten. We thank you for the various stories you’ve narrarted which taught us the true spirit and worth of life.
Our vice prinicipals are no far. Remember how we’ve begged them to come along to represent our