I. Introduction
What are you plans this February 14? Are you going out with your significant other? Will you buy him or her chocolates or Valentine’s card?
Valentine’s Day, celebrated every February 14 in many countries around the world, a day of romance and love, with a fascinating history and traditions.
According to the Valentine’s Day Intention and Action Survey, Valentine’s Day is the second largest card exchanging day, behind only Christmas.
II. Body
Many scholars suggest that Valentine’s Day was the Catholic Church attempt to Christianised the feast of Lupercalia, a Roman celebration of fertility. Beyond that not too much is known about Valentine’s Day.
According to the Catholic Church, there are three main theories on what event inspires the day. And one of this theories is that Valentine sent the first Valentine’s card to a girl who he was in love with while in prison. He sent her a letter and signed it “From your Valentine”
In the Middle Ages, people believed that February 14 was the day mark the beginning of birds mating season. Lovers look at it as a special day for romance and intimacy.
According to the Greeting Card Association today, approximately 6.5 billion cards are sent each year for Valentine’s Day.
III. Conclusion
Given these points, we may not know the exact origin of Valentine’s Day and even if the traditions evolved significantly over the years, the main idea still remains; love. And as the Beatles said, “All you need is love.”
The first, Valentine was a priest in Rome, who married young men and women.
The second story is that Valentine aided imprison Christians who had been treated cruelly, escape the Roman prisons.
Around the 1600’s, Valentine’s Day begin gaining popularity among the English people and by the end of the 1700’s it was very vastly celebrated day in Britain and America.
Given these points, Valentine’s Day can mean different things to different people but in the end it always reminds us what is