Vark Analysis Paper
The VARK Learning Style Assessment was designed by Neil Fleming in 1987. VARK stands for Visual, Aural, Read/write, and Kinesthetic sensory modalities that are used for learning information. His assessment is a questionnaire that asks an individual 16 questions pertaining to how they like to learn new information, specifically how they like to take in information, use it for effective learning and communicate this information to others effectively. Once an individual completes the questionnaire, either online or via paper format, his learning preferences will be identified as visual, aural, read/write, kinesthetic or multimodal. A visual learner prefers using visual resources such as diagrams, pictures, movies and videos. This learner likes to learn by seeing things in action. The aural or auditory learner learns best with lectures, discussions and music and enjoys talking about situations or hearing stories from others in regards to the topic at hand. Someone who has a read / write learning preference will benefit most from textbooks and journals and is a student who takes lots of notes and makes lists to assist with his learning. A kinesthetic learner prefers hands-on type learning via activities or experiments in a real life setting. The multimodal learner is someone who has multiple learning preferences and varies which ones he uses based on the learning that needs to take place. It is important to take note that the individual’s learning preference that is identified does not necessarily represent his strengths; it is simply a representation of his learning preferences.
The VARK Learning Style Assessment gives a learner the awareness of the different styles of learning that exist and then gives strategies to the learner that can be applied to his learning situation to promote the best learning possible for that individual. No particular VARK learning preference is better than another and there are no scores per se’ to compare them to such as an ACT or