9H Eng. 1st Period
Mrs. Christiansen
4 December 2013
Persuasive Essay on Vegetarianism
Vegetarian say that is people in the U.S. didn’t eat meat then there would be more grain to go around. Meat-eaters say that there are many serious disadvantages to being a vegetarian. Although vegetarians think that there are more disadvantages to being a meat-eater, vegetarians should eat meat for there own health. Many vegetarians have serious deficiencies due to not eating meat and most of them eat chicken and fish on occasions, so why not add lean meats to their diets. Human teeth were designed to eat both meats and vegetables. (Marcus, Pg. 4) The organs were also designed to digest meats. This means that vegetarians that say were are not designed to eat meats are wrong. They also wrong about how our bodies don’t correctly digesting meat. Vegans don’t get the proper nutrients without eating meats. Meat provides the vitamin B12. B12 helps normal growth, the bone marrow, the nervous system and the intestines. So if a person doesn’t eat meat they can have serious case of Pernicious Anemia. This chronic disease disturbs the nervous system causing depression and drowsiness. It is very fatal if not caught and treated in a period of time. Vegans who don’t eat anything that has to do with meat or animals don’t usually get enough protein. Lean meats, Poultry, Fish, Milk, Cheese and Eggs are all complete proteins. All vegans don’t eat any of these things so they have to get most of it in the incomplete protein foods like Cereals, Grains, Legumes, Lentils, Peanut butter and Peanuts. Further, some vegetarians have eating disorders. Either they binge eat or they don’t eat at all. Binge eating is when a person eats continuously even when they are full. This is bad because this leads to obesity and other serious health problems. All these examples prove that vegetarians need meat and we are meant to eat meat. While most vegetarians think they are saving the