Emergency tips/techniques for technical staff
Intro: Welcome and thank you for coming today. Please feel free to ask questions or offer comment as it occurs to you. We will have an additional questions/answer session at the end of the talk as well. For those with time constraints, we provided a question sheet at the back of your handout. If you fill it out and provide contact information, we will get you an answer.
1. Proactive planning
A. Game plan for emergencies
I. Open a dialog with veterinarians and staff about how the practice would like to see various situations handled. Foster staff cooperation. Plan ahead for potential anesthetic complications and during hour’s emergencies.
II. Learn about and discuss different emergencies. Decide how to best prepare, handle and learn from them.
a. Utilize tools such as VIN, videos, webinars, articles and written examples of successful strategies.
III. Foster a learning environment and share the information.
a. Attend/reward educational opportunities. b. Read up on new techniques/protocols. c. Post topics of the month for all staff to read.
IV. Create in house educational opportunities to better educate staff on emergency topics.
a. Lunch and learns, outside local CE b. Staff meeting 5 minute emergencies.
V. Prepare a triage flow sheet for all staff to help them prioritize patient care. Post them at crucial spots: reception desk, give to new employees for direction. Encourage staff to be familiar with triage protocol.
VI. Practice scenarios for emergencies you have seen or anticipate encountering.
a. Response drills b. Acting scenarios for practice. Staff meetings offer dedicated time for learning opportunities.
B. Gear Up
I. Designate one small area, drawer etc for emergencies and stock it with crash cart supplies as well things essential to