For the individuals with Schizotypal personality disorders or even just introverts stereotyped relationships are not comprehended. Socializing with people in real life is out of their comfort zone and does not occur. Whereas communicating with others online while playing video …show more content…
Just as your train of thought unwillingly goes astray everyone in the classroom moves to an unfamiliar problem or assignment. During the disturbance of attention the teacher calls on you to answer; With distorted attention, you are unaware what problem the class is on. Once the instructor is informed that you are uncertain what problem the class is on.The most common responses from instructors are “pay attention”, “follow the directions”, or “I just did this you should know how to complete the problem.” For the umpteen children that possess Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, (A.D.H.D) or Attention Deficit Disorder, (A.D.D) this is a daily occurrence. The children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or Attention Deficit Disorder are frequently mistaken as feeble-minded as a result of their brain’s different structure that does not permit their brain to rest. The lengths of focus of the umpteen children that possess Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or Attention Deficit Disorder remarkably improves by playing virtual brain games. Rick Hodges article “ADHD Video Games: Building Better Focus Through Fun Alternative Treatments” informed his readers that S.M.A.RT Brain Games have increased the focus on the children that possess Attention Deficit Disorders. S.M.A.R.T Brain Games is a device that turns home videos or games into a neurofeedback device. Which means that the video game is played using the mind of the player instead of a controller or keyboard. If video games were truly mindless and unproductive; Why would psychologists along with teachers recommend children with hyperactive disorders play video games using their