When the game Mortal Kombat was first released in 1992 and the sudden implement of major blood and violence was seen in the gaming industry many people began to complain because anyone could pick up this game without knowing what they were going to see. This led to the implement and creation of a rating system for video games just like the movies which categorized games with letters and was mandatory for all games to have a rating. The simple ratings are ‘E” for everyone, “T’ for teen and “M” for mature. When purchasing a game that is not suitable for the age a parent has to be present with the child in order for it to be purchased. Many parents still blame video games for exposing their children to violence when their the ones buying it for them and not even checking the game to see of it s safe for their children. The media has focused on these very few games that involve violence and has made them the face of video games without even taking notice of the countless innocent games that are still available. …show more content…
This was yet another story in which the media could seek their teeth in and blame it on video games. To this day it is still not proven that these two students were influenced by video games. After the shootings the police found the journals of the two perpetrators and found out that the result of the shooting was due to them being social outcasts and bullying form the other students. Even with these hard facts pointing towards different influences leading to the columbine shooting the news and congress still blame video games and wish to ban them from people’s homes. According to a small article on the “American Psychological Association” website it comes to prove how video games can actually provide learning, health and many benefits. As quoted from the article “A 2013 meta-analysis found out that playing shooter video games improved a players capacity to think about objects in three dimensions just as well as academic courses designed to enhance these same skills” (Bowen).Most studies and reports today have actually gone the distance as to connect any unrelated and horrible news to video games. Not to long ago the latest installment of Grand theft auto was released and the news reported its record breaking sales. At the same time the D.C. navy yard shooting had also gained a lot if attention. Many reporters hurried to uncover many