Drea Christopher's persuasive article "The Negative Effects of Video Games" lists unwanted effects of video games. The writer emphasizes that extreme gameplay can influence kid's lifecycle. First, the author affirms that child is insufficient or reluctant to attend any hobbies or out of class events. Second, Christopher believes that an electronic gameplay abuse can have an unwanted power on wellness. Finally, the writer affirms that your son or daughter's contacts with companions and relatives may be damaged because of spending a lot of time on computer. Through research, I have found evidence that corroborates one point of Christopher's; in addition, my research has led to me think I have grounds to challenge …show more content…
another claim of Christopher's.
In paragraph 3 Christopher states, "Children who spend more than two hours a day in front of a television or video games in lieu of participating in physical activity may suffer from childhood obesity." According to Christopher, kids should have free time activities more than computer games; otherwise, if they use electronical devices more than two hours a day, they can face some consequences like overweight issues and aches in their bodies. People should be moving to be healthy. As a result, says Christopher, "The University of Texas at Dallas notes that the addiction can lead to such medical issues as backaches, headaches, eyestrain and carpal tunnel syndrome pain and numbness... " The article "Health Effects of Video Games" on the website http://www.livestrong.com provides evidence to support this claim of Christopher's. This article affirms that "Foregoing physical activity in favor of hours spent playing video games can contribute to obesity in children... " The author means that there are some serious results of excessive usage of electronical devices like becoming overweight, and psychological diseases; because of this, there must be a limitation on the habit of using the computers or other devices. The writer believes that your kid should use his personal computer for a limited time, and has after class activities. Both essays emphasize that there are serious links between health, physical activities and video games, and that a kid should have other things to do except computer and digital devices. Nall shows that "Being overweight increases a child's risk of developing type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and other health concerns." In addition, both essays claim that a child should be careful when using electronic games on computer and television, and limit laptop play time. Also, parents should guide their kids for out of class activities like chess, hiking, swimming, and competitions. Otherwise, if children spend more than two hours per day in front of the electronical devices, they can get some health issues like obesity.
However, research shows that perhaps some of Christopher's points can be disputed. In paragraph 4 the author states, "Relationships with friends and family members may suffer if your child is spending more time gaming than he is talking to or going out with loved ones." In this pan the writer claims that communication between father, mother, and kids may hurt x„vhen your son or daughter devote more hours on gameplay than with his parents. Through research, I think I have grounds to challenge this claim of Christopher's. In regard to this claim, I do not suggest that Christopher is wrong. Instead, I think he paints a picture that is incomplete. According the article "The Positive and Negative Effects of Video Games" on the website http://www.raisesmartkid.com, there is evidence that sometimes playing video games has benefits and can be helpful for children's connections and health. In this article the writer states, 'Games that involve multiple players encourage your child to work cooperatively to achieve his goals." In this part the writer affirms that gaming on the electronical devices inspire children to effort with his accompany to reach his goals. Your kid's communication, the power of persuasion, and thinking capacity can develop when playing game with his friends on the computer. Obviously, though Christopher chose not to mention it, he did not inform us about the benefits of video games on kids' relationship development and become more social, prosperous and positive effects on their life. Because of my observation, I can corroborate with both Christopher and the article "The Negative Effects of Video Games" and their claim of bad results of video games on kids. When I was as a counselor in elementary and middle school, there was a family who complained about his son. The family with his son came to my office, and father started to speak about bad effects of video games on his son. He emphasized that his son had a few close friends, he did not speak with others and his grades were very low, because he had no enough time to spend time with friends, and study for his lessons. He played nearly five or six hours per a day, and only one hour or less studied for his home works. We discussed with Hasan about bad effects of playing computer games, and results like less relationships, and low scores on exams.
We did an agreement about timing for playing games on computer, and he accepted this offer. After a while, his scores started to increase, and he had more friends. As a result, I concur with
Christopher and the article "The Negative Effects of Video Games" that there should be a time limit for video games for children's better connection. If you are a parent, and have a similar problem like time control concerns on video games on your kids here are suggestions for a better communication with your children. First, you should make a daily plan with your son or daughter for a good relationship and success on his life. If your kid have a plan, he can schedule his agenda, and he can control his requests; therefore, he can spend his time regularly, and he could do everything he needs. Second, you should add some free time activities like chess, painting, reading time, theater, cinema, tracking, etc. to his program; hereby, your child will have opportunities to self-recognition and others. Finally, you should spend your time without television and computer games. At the same time, you and your teenager will identify your hobbies, talents, and capacity; so, your child will have an opinion about himself and his friends. Thus, he can spend is time for affiliation with you and his networks. If you follow this advice your son or daughter can notice a real world without computer and technological devices, and he can live planned his life expectancy; so, he will has a high brilliance