Matt King
CMST 220
Video Game Speech
* Attention grabber/introduction - Slaying dragons, defending your planet from alien invasion, or bouncing on the heads of koopas and saving the same princess who gets caught every time? Sound Familiar? If you’re anything like me you have tried all of these. Of course not literally but I’m sure you have all played a video game that has let you do something crazy and exciting you couldn’t normally do. * Can I get a show of hands of anyone who has ever played a video game before or watched someone play one? All of you, I know I have? Video games are a huge entertainment activity for people of all ages. * I have done extensive hours of video game playing and research on the effects of video games and people. * My purpose here today is to inform all of you about the benefits of playing video games and give you reasons why video games aren’t as bad as they are portrayed to be. * You will learn about video games history and relevancy, educational benefits and, health/social benefits. * Transition - To begin, video games were not created to consume hours of playing time or to simulate alternative realities, they were created to get people interested in science. * Need/Problem - The problem today is that everyone thinks that video games are so bad for you and do nothing beneficial for you, where the reality is that in moderation video games can be both healthy and socially beneficial. * Main point #1 – history of video games and evolution to today’s standards. * Video games were created as a scientific experiment and an attraction for a science convention. * Today’s evolution of video games has led to alternate realities and a limitless world. * Main point #2 – Video games relevancy and practicality today. * Video games are a relevant social behavior activity. * Video games are beneficial to you in multiple ways. * Internal Summary –