On the other side, this law could be a form of discrimination against the elderly and minorities. Some of these people are not able to get any form of identification because they cannot take off work or because they do not have a way to get to the places to get identification. …show more content…
While social media can be a great way to spread information to many people at once, it is also known for providing inaccurate information. “Support for photo ID may fall if the public is perpetually fed partial data or inaccurate information. For example, a recent survey by the University of Delaware demonstrated that support for photo ID laws dropped by 12 percent when the survey question stated that requiring the presentation of a photo ID may ‘prevent people who are eligible to vote from voting”(Nielsen 2017). While it feels that voter ID laws are a good idea, I feel that the government needs to provide those who need identification with either a means to get identification or send out cards made expressly for this