Starting a young age, Walt Disney developed a passion for illustrating cartoon characters. After returning home from World War I, where he volunteered in the “Red Cross,” Disney began working for his father’s company, which provided him with the opportunity to practice drawing. “His ambulance was covered from stem to stem, not with stock camouflage, but with Disney cartoons” (Encyclopedia of World Geography). Disney discovered ways to incorporate drawing into his everyday life, which resulted in his attendance at schools and colleges that allowed him to study the basic skills and knowledge of drawing. For college, Disney enrolled in the Art Institute in Kansas City, and later the Chicago Academy of Arts. Additionally, Walt Disney established his first companies in order to pursue his dreams of becoming an animator. When he formed a partnership with Ub Iwerks, Disney developed numerous companies that assisted in creating
Starting a young age, Walt Disney developed a passion for illustrating cartoon characters. After returning home from World War I, where he volunteered in the “Red Cross,” Disney began working for his father’s company, which provided him with the opportunity to practice drawing. “His ambulance was covered from stem to stem, not with stock camouflage, but with Disney cartoons” (Encyclopedia of World Geography). Disney discovered ways to incorporate drawing into his everyday life, which resulted in his attendance at schools and colleges that allowed him to study the basic skills and knowledge of drawing. For college, Disney enrolled in the Art Institute in Kansas City, and later the Chicago Academy of Arts. Additionally, Walt Disney established his first companies in order to pursue his dreams of becoming an animator. When he formed a partnership with Ub Iwerks, Disney developed numerous companies that assisted in creating