
Was Germany Responsible For World War One

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Was Germany Responsible For World War One
There is still much discussion regarding assigning a fault to just one country for World War One. The start of the war was in 1914, but there was no set date to when the nations to irritate one another. Some say that the feud started at the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, the heir to the Austria-Hungary throne. Others believe that Russia had started the war by dragging in Britain, Germany, and France when mobilizing on their border. One way or another, the Germans were a major factor World War One and should get responsibility for the fault. On the other hand, they should not be the only nation to be blamed for such a large and impactful war. Additionally, the Germans were not the only nation causing damage. Germany was …show more content…
Germany was the first nation to declare war on Russia on August 1, 1914, although Serbia shot the first weapon in the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. After starting war with Russia, Germany declared war with France on August 3, 1914. This meant that Germany had two military fronts. Their plan was to quickly defeat France and use almost all of their resources into fighting Russia. This was wise because Russia had a massive military due to the size of their nation. By crossing the Belgium border, Britain told Germany to leave. Germany ignored Britain and still crossed through Belgium. This resulted in yet another war with Britain. Some say that Germany was more eager for war than everyone else in Europe. The citizens of Germany were influenced by their Kaiser, Wilhelm II’s public announcements. Additionally, Germany was the nation who started the naval battle with Britain. This started because Germany torpedoed into one of the British passenger ships, called the Lusitania. Lastly, there are many arguments that people have made to solely blame Germany for World War One, but many other nations also fought them back and made the same amount of damage that Germany had made. Germany not started War War One, but their formed alliances should get part of the fault as

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