Watson’s Theory of Human Caring involves making explicit that human caring and relationship-centered caring is a foundational ethic for healing practices; it honors the unity of the whole human being, while also attending to creating a healing environment. (Watson, 2006). Caring is acknowledged as transpersonal, in that it goes beyond the ego-oriented human; it involves the one caring as well as the care receiver, and is mutual, intersubjective, and reciprocal. (Watson, 2006). ” Watson claimed that nursing is caught in an ontological, moral, ethical-philosophical quandary”. (Fawcett & DeSanto-Madeya, 2013). Despite the increasing popularity of the biomedical model, Watson asserted that people are …show more content…
Watson noted that the methodologies for studying caring in nursing can be qualitative, naturalistic, and phenomenological, or a combined quantitative and qualitative approaches. (Pajnkihar, 2017). She asserted that best method for studying a theory is that is qualitative and phenomenological in nature. ( Fawcett & DeSanto-Madeya, 2013). There are more than 25 instruments that have proven valid and reliable to assess empirically how to measure the concepts of Watson’s theory. (Pajnkihar, 2017). A correlational study designed to compare student self-rating with faculty ratings on Caring Efficacy during a simulation experience using Caring Efficacy Scale showed excellent reliability for all raters. (Eggenberger et al., 2011). The caring efficacy scale is indicative of progress towards measurement of the concept of Transpersonal Caring Relationship. ( Fawcett & DeSanto-Madeya, 2013 …show more content…
Watson define clearly a specific approach to nursing practice, and she identified the special educational requirements for application of the theory ( Fawcett & DeSanto-Madeya..). According to Watson, some of the education required for use of Theory of Human Caring originates from nurses themselves, and their own life history and previous experiences. ( Watson, 2001 as cited in Fawcett & DeSanto-Madeya..). Additionally, Watson identified several facilitators of the understanding required for the use of Human Theory. The facilitators are, nurses interaction with individuals of varied backgrounds; the study of humanities, including art, drama, literature, and individual interpretation of illness; the nurse’s examination of his or her values, beliefs, relationship with self and others, and his or her own view; and such personal growth. ( Fawcett & DeSanto-Madeya, 2013 ) . In recent years, increasing number of hospitals and academic programs in the United States and other parts of the world, have adopted Watson's Theory of Human Caring in very specific ways, as a guide to improve nursing practice and ultimately reforming the culture of hospital the hospital milieu—in seeking or sustaining magnet status. (Watson, 2009). For example, the Theory of Human Caring was used to evaluate the effects of nursing care on anxiety, depression, hopelessness, and prenatal attachment of pregnant women following loss of