He entered through the same door, new clothes hung in plain sight. A voice came out of the air, “Please put on these clothes so the old ones can be discarded, shower first, use the soap, it will wash away on reside”. He showered, changed, sat in silence. Another door opened, another man “please follow me”, McCoy complied. They cam to an elevator, “please put this cover on”. He slid the cover over his head. “Take hold of my arm”, he was guided outside, a door opened, please slower your head”, he slid into a car. The door was shut, he heard the crackle of an intercom. “Relax, do not touch the hood”. He felt the powerful acceleration of the engine. They must have drove for an hour, finally the car came to a full stop. “Remove your …show more content…
This did not apply to Abdul, she was born into a large family and was favored by her father. By itself this would be enough to guarantee a good life. She was also blessed with beauty and had a natural brilliance in chemistry. At a very young age this was obvious as she mastered complex formulas by age eight. By age sixteen she had completed her Masters degree in chemistry, by eighteen a PhD.
In most Muslim cultures the path of a woman is defined, for Abdul the path was anything but routine or normal. Being blessed in Islam takes on a whole new concept. She was special, but since all things come from Allah, it was stressed that she had equally special obligations to spread the word. She started teaching chemistry at the University of Tehran at age twenty. As world politics became more intimate, sides had to be chosen and in this part of the world wrong selections could be