Font: Vogue’s online magazine mainly uses serif, for example the masthead. This portrays the magazine as being formal and sophisticated, therefore making it appropriate for the ABC1 high class audience. However it also uses some sans serif, this makes it look modern and stand out. The magazine uses a variety of sizes of text, for instance the masthead is very large, and this makes it stand out and means people are drawn to it instantly because it stands out amongst the rest of the text. It also uses a smaller size for the less important text that does not need to be read first, for example when giving more information about the articles.
Print: There is not a large amount of print on the main page of the website as this would make it overwhelming. By not using a lot of print it creates a sense of enigma and makes the reader ant to click on the articles to read more.
Language: The majority of the magazines language is formal; this appeals to the target audience and is therefore more likely to engage them. The magazine does not use any slang and this is not likely to appeal to the target audience. This also creates