As part of the move to Person Centred Planning and Person Centred Care Delivery the “People in Control Roadmap” was developed. The roadmap was designed to bring about major changes in the experiences of care for users. The vision for these changes has been set out in the white paper – Our Health, Our Care, Our Say. The purpose is to ensure that the service users are in control of their care and support in all cases. The roadmap set out a range of interlinked actions required to bring about the scale of change if this simple-sounding-vision it to be realised. There were three main streams of work: - • Empowering clients. • Changing and developing people. • Working methods based on outcomes.
This last work stream talks to the commissioning and providing services and is key to putting people in control. It provides flexibility that providers and people who use services need, to respond to changing needs and wishes. There were a range of technical and process issues that had to be tackled to support this way of working in contrast to the usual focus on tasks.
One step was defining a new Commissioning Plan to be used as a tool to express the person-who-uses-services needs and wishes in terms of outcomes. This document would then form the basis, along with a Risk Management Plan, for the provider to develop individual support plans.
The key to the successful development of all these plans is the involvement and agreement of the person who is using the service.
“Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?”
“That depends a good deal on where you want to get to”, said the cat.
“I don’t much care where…..” , said Alice.
“Then it doesn’t matter which way you go”, said the cat.
Lewis Carol “Alice in Wonderland”.
The fact is that if you don’t choose a direction in life or where you want your life