RECONSTRUCTION-Reading Assignments:
Norton et al., A People and A Nation chapter 16, Portrait of America chapter 1 “The Checkered History of the fourteenth Amendment “quiz
Identification Terms:
Freedmen’s Bureau Tenure of Office Act
Ku Klux Klan Scalawags
Enforcement Acts Carpetbaggers
Compromise of 1877 Sharecropping
Reconstruction Acts of 1867 Crop Lien
14th Amendment Black Codes
15th Amendment
Week 1
WESTERN SETTLEMENT –Reading assignment
Norton A People and A Nation chapter 17 Portrait of America chapter 2
“Sitting Bull and the Sioux Resistance” quiz
Identification Terms:
Transcontinental railroads Dawes Severalty Act
Homestead Act Dawes
Week 1/2
INDUSTRIALIZATION Reading Assignments:
Norton et al., A People and a Nation, Chapters 17, 18, 19 Portrait of America chapter 3 “The Master of Steel: Andrew Carnegie”-quiz
Identification Terms:
“New Immigrants” Capitalism
Exclusions Act Urbanization
National Origins Act Benjamin Harrison
Individualism Protestant work ethic
Knights of Labor Leisure – time recreation
American Federation of Labor Consumerism
Industrialization Ulysses S. Grant
Sherman Anti-trust Act Rutherford B. Hayes laissez-faire James A. Garfield
Interstate Commerce Act Chester A. Arthur
Socialism Grover Cleveland
Week 2
Reading Assignments:
Norton et al., A People and A Nation, Chapters 19, 20
Identification Terms:
Victorianism Margaret Sanger
Moral Superiority Comstock Act
Reading Assignments:
Norton et al., A People and A Nation, Chapters 18, 20
Identification Terms:
Charles Darwin Social Darwinism
Herbert Spencer Reform Darwinism
William James
Week 2
Reading Assignments:
Norton et al., A People and A Nation, Chapters 20, 21, Portrait of America chapter 3, “Theodore Roosevelt: President” quiz
Identification Terms:
Jane Addams 16th, 17th, 18th Amendments
Florence Kelley Theodore Roosevelt