Often times they feel as if no one cares about their future, as if they do not possess the necessary resources to get an education, or as if their goals are unattainable. These mindsets are fueled by the negative statistics and stereotypes about African Americans youth. I want to break this cycle of feeling powerless that pervades my community so that the youth will begin to see themselves as valuable, full of life and able to make a change. Butterfly would be an organization that provides the foundation for tackling these …show more content…
Here children of the Westside would have a safe space to grow and express themselves as individuals. For these young people, Butterfly is an organization that helps them deal with day to day life so that they can have various opportunities to seek better lives for themselves and for their families. Therefore, a key component of Butterfly would be education. My mission would be to offer a multifaceted education, including the power in knowing your past, becoming a responsible adult, and academic success. If my peers really knew of the legends this community produced, this could be the beginning of feeling empowered to chase after their dreams. Also, they would be educated on how to develop specific life skills valuable to adulthood such as healthy living, conflict resolution, and financial literacy. Both of these would be in addition to helping them accomplish their academic