This contact of employment is made by and made between:
MR. LIAO WEIHUA, here in represented by its President, MR. ZHOU PING, referred to as EMPLOYER.
MR. WEIHUA LIAO a Chinese national and herein referred to as the EMPLOYEE.
WITNESSETH: That HONG TAI, is duly registered corporation with SEC Registration No.
CS201006912 with principal address at PTC COMPLEX, CARMONA,
That this contract shall have duration of 2 YEARS commencing only after the issuance of all the necessary working permits, holding a position of TECHNICAL ASSISTANT on Temporary Status as Pre Arranged Employee, subject to the approval of the Department of Labor and Employment regarding the issuance of working permit, and shall be renewed at the option of both parties. That the EMPLOYEE shall receive a monthly compensation of FOUR HUNDRED U.S DOLLAR ($ 400), exclusive of the benefits, allowance and other emoluments, as maybe required by law; That the EMPLOYEE shall abide the company’s regulation to follow its working regular of 8 hours a day not exceed 48 hours in every given week; That is understood that the EMPLOYEE was admitted in the country to be an exclusive employee and shall not in any manner accept any other employment from other companies, without the written consent of HONG TAI EXCELLENT INDUSTRIAL INC. personnel. That the EMPLOYER shall provide for free housing and transportation accommodation of the EMPLOYEE;
That the EMPLOYER shall shoulder all expenses that shall be incurred in the procurement of visas and other official documents relative to his employment, it is also agreed upon the EMPLOYEE be allowed to travel two (2) times a year to his home country and the EMPLOYER shall pay for his airfare; That the provision of the Labor of the Philippines shall be supplementary to this contract, without prejudice to other laws of the Philippine Government; Any violation of this contract and the labor code of the