Hitler and Stalin are different in many ways. Hitler is Part of the national socialist party also known as Nazi, while Stalin is a Communist, they are also similar as they both killed many people and Both are Dictators.
Hitler was not exactly the best guy you could meet. He is mostly known for causing world war two and for creating the holocaust. The man killed more than 11 million innocent people in cold blood. Usually in concentration camps. Together with that Hitler became the dictator of Germany. Brain washing mostly everyone with his speeches. He wanted to make Germany the “best” in his view. Not to mention Hitler still thought Germans were the most superior race in the world. …show more content…
Joseph Stalin seems less evil than Hitler.
But in reality he is the same. Stalin was the dictator of the soviet union during world war 2. He was a communist. But nevertheless the soviet union became corrupt under his power. If he thought anyone was a threat, he would kill them. Even his own people. Many people were afraid of Stalin. Additionally, Stalin like Hitler made a mass genocide against Ukrainians. Killing most of them by famine or labor. It estimated during that time around 30,000 Ukrainians were dying each
Both of these rulers seem different. With each of them having different plans for their countries. But are similar in many ways.
They both made mass genocides for many wrong reasons. Both of them were dictators, In like manner, both corrupting their own country. Ultimately, Hitler and Stalin are very evil men. Making the worst marks in history.