The aim of this essay is to eloquently discuss what we can do about children's poverty and inequality and ways in which we can improve some factors. The essay will closely analyze few of the factors to give us a better understanding of ways to improve these factors. Some of these factors are as followed; Impact of social grants, Early childhood development(ECD), National Health Insurance and the re-engineering of primary health care and what a great impact society can make.
It has been indicated by Budlender and Woolard about the positive outcomes of South Africa's aid programme on child poverty. As social grant has a great impact as any factor it has its advantages and disadvantages. Social grant helps the poor with health care and education for children but yet inequality seems to be the major challenge. If the government gives benefits to people who don't work, that counts as less poverty. But if it spends more on providing childcare for people who work on low incomes, that doesn't.
Early childhood development(ECD) is one of the assured ways in helping when it comes to child poverty. ECD provides a vast amount of income as well as development outcome ECD reaches out to children who are less fortunate and is normally given by private providers. But fail to help the vital ones. ECD being pro-poor, it defeats the purpose helping children who cannot for their own education. The government needs to get more involved and help by providing more funds, the government needs to get the priories in order and focus on what is really imperative.
National Health Insurance and the re-engineering of primary health care played a big role, with the community help training to become health workers so they can provide and make a difference. Society plays a huge role as well , by raising funds and making people aware of the seriousness of poverty and inequality around us. Also