
What Happened To Goodbye Sarah Dessen Summary

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What Happened To Goodbye Sarah Dessen Summary
Throughout the last couple of weeks, I finished Sarah Dessen’s What Happened to Goodbye, which was 402 pages long. I also started Sarah Dessen’s Keeping the Moon and I am currently on page 211. What Happened to Goodbye ended with McLean and her friends building a model for the city and in the process of doing so, her friends found out about all of her previous identities. They forgave her right away but were curious what made her choose to live her life like that. As promised to her mother to avoid custody charges, she spent a week at the beach house and it was hard for McLean. What used to be a place that just her and her mother would go, now is her stepsibling’s go to place. Also, McLean discovers all of her childhood toys, clothing, and memories. Back home, her dad ends up moving to Hawaii for another job, and McLean stays living in Jackson, rooming in Opal’s spare upstairs bedroom. …show more content…
McLean never was the type of girl to get into relationships because before she knew, it they would be off to a new state due to her dad’s job. This time around though, McLean feels different. She is in love with the neighbor boy, Dave. They spend a lot of their free time together and things are really hitting it off. When McLean is at her mother’s house and feels uncomfortable, she goes to him for help and he goes through the trouble of being grounded to help her out. Dave wants more than anything for McLean to stay in town and knows that she is the benevolent, loving girl that he wants to stay with. Before McLean thought that she had to leave, she saw a sign outside the restaurant’s window that read “Stay” and she knew it was from Dave. She ran down the stairs to search for Dave, but “after only one step, suddenly we were face-to-face. He’d been there all along” (Dessen 393). This is one of the search’s for love that I found while reading Sarah Dessen’s What Happened to

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