Whether good or bad deeds come from a person’s guidance, a leader is one who can
gain the trust and loyalty of others. I personally prefer being a leader of good deeds if
you will. God has instilled a vibe in me that tends to radiate in general. Through
experience in dealing with people of many different backgrounds, I have gained a few
skills in working with others.
There are several values that I carry myself with that are communicated to my
Soldiers and family as well. First, I have one God. He will provide and carry out His plan
to our best interest. Love, faith, and loyalty to Him will always be my priority. Second, a
man is as good as …show more content…
his word. By keeping your word, you will gain the trust and loyalty of
your subordinates.
Third, is that your experience/education will not be ripped from you.
Possessions or positions may be removed from your person, however the knowledge
you carry will always be protected by you and remain yours. The more you prepare
yourself, the more you educate yourself, the better the edge you will have on others.
The expectations of my Soldiers are high. They are to conduct themselves
accordingly at all times. Communication with me is a must. Accountability of themselves
and their actions is mandated. They will have my backing in decisions in which the best
intent was put forth. If necessary, their actions will receive the attention they need,
whether reward or punishment.
My Soldiers can expect from me consistency. They will know that I will push them
at all times to better themselves. I push them to be able to take my spot one day. I will
always strive to help them be more successful than I have been. They know that they
can come to me with any goals, issues, concerns, or topic in general at any time. They
know that I will stand up for them against anyone so long as we are in the right. We will
work together to fix anything that is not right or within regulation. They can expect
guidance to be straightforward.
All in all, I believe in treating people right. To give people the benefit of the doubt.
We do not know what issues they have encountered in life or what trials they are
experiencing. We all have to try to work together to accomplish the goals that we set.
The better you treat people in life, the more likely you will reach your goals. The leaders
that I have fell under that have made the greatest impact, are the ones who I tend to
resemble. This being in my style of leadership, I in turn hope to be the leader that others
would tend to resemble.