Microfiber or microfibre refers to synthetic fibers (fiber) that measure less than one denier. The most common types of microfibers are made from polyesters, polyamides (e.g., nylon, kevlar, nomex, trogamide), and or a conjugation of polyester and polyamide (Wikipedia, 2012).
Microfiber technology is nearly 20 years now. Therefore, microfiber is widely used in different aspects, such as: clothing, insulation, basketballs and cleaning. In this article, I would focus on the advantages of microfiber especially, how it makes cleaning more environmental friendly and its effectiveness.
Microfiber used for cleaning products includes many products manufactured of 100% polyester microfiber. Fabrics made with microfibers are soft. It can be an effective cleaning material. As a result, microfiber is widely used in different aspects, for example, health care facilities have been embraced this technology in order to reduce the cross- contamination in patient rooms.
Microfiber cleaning tools also can absorb fat and grease. They have their own high dust-attracting power. Because of their fine fibers can clean the dust very easily that is why microfiber cleaning tools like microfiber towels are commonly used. In other hand, microfiber towels are also used for cleaning cars. People can use microfiber towels to remove wax from paintwork, to clean glass and to dry the surface of the cars. I would say it is not difficult to understand why microfiber is widely used in different commercial cleaning products.
Microfiber is also used in many cleaning products, for example in mops and cleaning cloths. I choose microfiber mops as the example. Although microfiber mops cost more than cotton mops, they can be more economical because they last longer and it is easy to use. In other words, for a long term, using microfiber mops can save money than using traditional cotton mops. Moreover, microfiber mops can clean corners more efficient than traditional cotton