My granny used to say “Help others to help yourself”
Help has a lot of meanings but in social care I can define help as supporting individuals to do something that makes life easier and guide them through the process. Assist with different daily tasks, guide individuals in different transitions of life, advocate in behalf of them, cooking or housekeeping.
When it comes to help within social care practice the list is endless. Social Care workers help individuals to maintaining independence and increase their quality of lives and help others …show more content…
to lead a fuller more enjoyable life, help people maintain positive relationships with others around them. Some tasks may seem small to the average person, but can make a massive difference in someone else’s life and also a rewarding experience to the social care worker.
Social care workers are compassionate people who are naturally caring in nature and help their client group with a range of essential daily activities support and decision making.
Being able to understand the issues facing your clients is essential nice you can understand the world from someone’s perspective you can do what you can to help. By listening and understanding, you can find ways to meet client needs. Good interpersonal and communication skills are essential for working in care. When a social care professional is sensitive to the needs of others it’s much easier to understand what needs to be done. Social Care workers are often challenged with clients who desperately need to talk about their experiences. Being sensitive allows the carer the flexibility to listen this builds …show more content…
Social care work allows you to relate to clients and co-workers on a daily basis. Being able to listen and understand allows you to be an efficient worker. If you are drawn to work in a caring role due to genuine concern for the welfare of others then service users are able to tell if someone is interested in them or not.
Sometimes helping people may be challenging as they may refuse or they may not want your help. Sometimes the individuals your trying to help they may be too proud to accept your help they could feel inferior and could threaten their sense of freedom, independence, security and autonomy. In such cases they reject whatever you or anybody else mite has to offer to them. An individual mite refuse help as your routine mite not match their own in this case as example would be an intellectual disability client or dementia client. Refusing help is how some people communicate their need to believe that they are still independent. The most difficult aspect is communication where the person mite has a speech impediment, poor vision or poor hearing, a lack of understanding of the service user can create communication barriers and can lead to them getting frustrated or angry. They could have been asking for help in the past but no one offered to help, sometime they could fee intimidated and concerned how others see them. Lack of knowledge professionally and not providing adequate resources.
They mite find it hard to trust you if you are making decisions for them and they have a fear of being a burden.
Social Care workers help people to maintain relationships with other for example some people don’t have family or have lost contact with them, this relationship with you as well as others around them can help them tackle loneliness sometimes especially if you are the only person they ever see. Helping clients understand their rights and services available to them could go a long way into changing this as a positive support they might need. A positive outcome can be if a client has a disability and you believe they have been treated unfairly social care practitioners can advocate in behalf of the person and the positive outcome would be to ensure the service user got equal treatment and access to services. Helping someone with a disability attend a social outing for example a football match this will have a positive impact to the service user as they have met their goal they wanted to achieve and without the social care worker this wouldn’t have been
When providing help service users must be treated with dignity and respect compassion, and provide a safe environment.
There are a few helping stages first as a social care worker you need to establish a working relationship with the client in a therapeutic way, the pre-interaction stage gathers their information and identify the client’s problems assist them in setting goals by working together and encourage them to do things differently but in a realistic way. Helping someone doesn’t just have to be opening a door or doing a task for them but to understand them emotionally and often create a moment for reflection and allow the person to understand what’s going on in their lives. Helping people can be emotionally exhausting for the social care worker and also challenging and sometimes the social care worker can put themselves in situations where they care relate to others.
Social care workers could sometime receive verbal and sometimes physical abuse from service users where this can impact in a negative way in helping to make decisions.
Positive outcomes are a combination of factors some are help they receive, their support systems, their own self work, or resilience to their own problems.
Social care workers should be responsible for receiving training and use their skills to help clients that present with problems in a non-judgmental way and to empowerment the client to achieve their full potential.
In this essay I have discussed the importance of help and I have included the negatives and positives of help I have outlined the important factors around it.