
What Is The Pressure In The Dead Poets Society

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What Is The Pressure In The Dead Poets Society
For more years than I can remember, an essential part of school has been about receiving the highest grades and building the best resume to get into the most elite school. This pressure has consumed a lot of my time—especially in college—and built up a measurable amount of stress as I always thought I was obligated to get an A because an “above average” B was just not respectable enough to be the best. I don’t believe anyone felt this pressure quite as much as the Welton Academy boys in the Dead Poet’s Society. In this film, the fathers controlled what classes their boys took, their extracurricular activities, and the people they were introduced to. The main character, Neil Perry, has a father that strongly discourages Neil to pursue acting …show more content…
Although many parents are encouraging and supportive of their children, some parents can unintentionally make kids feel like they have to follow in their footsteps or put pressure on them to always be the best. Although it’s no crime to want your kid to live up to their potential, it is best if you let them do it on their own accord. In the Dead Poet’s Society, Neil Perry battles with the desire to please his father and the hopes to express his creativity through acting. His face lit up on the stage in which he was a phenomenal actor—his father saw it himself—yet he was too upset that Neil made him look like a liar in front of another parent. In another instance, Mr. Perry is seen demanding Neil to drop the school newspaper although it is clearly Neil’s favorite extracurricular. As a student myself, I have always loved learning but I have also thrived when able to play sports and do an activity like marching band. These activities can be a source of relaxation and socialization that is much needed after eight hours of class. Although it is good for a child’s sanity to participate in sports or clubs that they love, it is also beneficial to a teen’s ability to communicate, lead, and work as a team. If unable to participate in sports or extracurriculars, I would have never been able to learn to manage my time, …show more content…
The film depicts the severe consequences of a teacher that tried to engage and encourage children to speak their mind and do what makes them happy and unique. Doing what makes kids happy makes them interested, motivated, and willing to learn rather than feel forced to get good grades. Once the Welton boys began to experience the thrill of education, they were disgusted at the idea of firing Mr. Keating and going back to their old ways. The obvious despair was seen on the faces of all the kids when Headmaster Gale took over Mr. Keating’s class at the end of the

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