If one is surrounded by good-spirited, happy people, in beautiful places, their energy vibe will rise to match the moods of others around them. Being around sad, depressed, moody people is bound to lower ones mood, just from the negative vibe that they let off. Applying this knowledge to ones’ everyday life could be beneficial not only to that person, but also to the people around them. For example, recently, I attended a memorial for a dear friend who took his life. Upon arrival, my mood was shifted from a sad and mournful state to an uplifted condition. The remembrance had a cheerful energy, remembering the good times, and not grieving about the recent events. Letting off a positive energy and a happy vibe to people will be contagious in the same way.
Although the surroundings of one person can affect the mind positively or negatively, the mood change is initially based on mindset. One must desire the achievable happiness. If they did not wish to be happy, they would most likely avoid the positive influences in their life, and remain with a pessimistic attitude. Subconsciously, this helps to justify the sadness, by matching their feelings, but it does no good to uplift them. Both my brother and father suffer from depression and bipolar disorder. When they are down, they rarely make changes to improve their mood. Instead, they keep doing whatever makes them unhappy, and even make efforts to surround