The mythological archetypes found in “Where The Wild Things Are” are:
Heroic archetypes
Hero as a Warrior: Max continuously struggles with the battles between himself and the Wild Things. He leads the Wild Things, and claims that he can destroy anyone who they don’t want to be there. He struggles to settle the groups arguments, but in the end, succeeds.
Wanderer: Max gets to know the Wild Things, starts developing a friendship with Carol, begins to explore the island and learns about being part of a unit with creatures he can understand and relate to.
Archetypal Journeys
Seeking Power/Authority: In the beginning, Max acts out ruling others and instructing them what to do. Once he gets to the island, he becomes king of the Wild Things.
Loss of Innocence: He grew up in a small town with few experiences, but when he decided to run away, he faced many different life changing adventures.
Stages of the Hero’s Journey
Departure: Max bit his mother, ran away from home, and kept running until he found a boat
Initiation: Max had an argument at home with his mother, and he wanted to get away from her and out of the house
The Road of Trials: Once on the boat, the finds an island, and is curious to who/what they are. Once spotted he holds his ground, and is announced king of their village. He struggles to keep the Wild Things together, and he’s constantly skeptical to if they would eat him or not. He goes through many experiences, that changes who he is.
The Innermost Cave: Carol turns on Max when he believes that he isn’t who he claims to be, and to escape him, Max must let himself be eaten by another Wild Thing. Also known as a rebirth, he realized that he can’t help the Wild Things, and must return back to his home.
Return and Reintegration with society: This occurred when Max left the island, and took the boat back to his town, went into his house, and ate his dinner with his mother.