Dissertation submitted in part-fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of [Master of “International Human Resource Management”] at the University of East Anglia
This copy of the dissertation has been supplied on condition that anyone who consults it is understood to recognise that its copyright rests with the author and that no quotation from the dissertation, nor any information derived therefrom, may be published without the author 's prior, written consent.
* I would like to express my truly thankfulness and appreciation to my supervisor, Dr Tzouramani Eleni for her unstinting guidance and motivational advice. Without her care and patience, it is impossible to achieve this study by myself.
* Additionally, the best wish goes to my dear friends, who provide every possible support for my research. Without their contribution, I would have not been able to realize this study.
* Further, thank all participants in my research. Their contribution is the primary and profound foundation to the success of my research.
In recent years, the reform in Chinese education industry is profound which not only impacts the situation of students, but also has a great influence on teachers’ performance. The loss of excellent teachers tends to be an essential issue for current education organizations in China. In addition, the changes in current Chinese society cause a remarkable generation gap, which also decrease the effectiveness of reward system. Hence, this research is target to identify and analyse the attitudes of teachers in different Chinese generation and based on the findings to create a new model of reward system for retain excellent teachers in China. This research utilized the theories of reward system, generation effect and motivation as the main tools to
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