Who are you when no one's looking was a book about character. The book list five endangered qualities that are vital for a strong person with good character: Courage, discipline, vision, endurance, tender love, tough love, sacrificial love, and radical love.
Courage. Courage can be shown in many different ways. But courage is mainly stepping up to the plate and looking in the face or your emotional, spiritual, and physical fears. Courage in this book is finding the strength within yourself to make a change, push through to get to a main goal
Discipline. Discipline in the book was being able to have self control to do the things you need to do using delayed gratification. Delayed gratification …show more content…
In this book vision is being able to see past everything your going through in the present moment and see the final outcome of where all your hard work can get you. Vision is being able to believe in yourself and believe in what god can do for you without seeing. Vision i shaving faith at all times and holding on to the word.
endurance . endurance is being able to fight though. Bill Hybels using the term moral quitting point. Your moral quitting point is something where you decide that you can't go any further. But he teaches that once you get your moral quitting point in the run then that tell you that you need to go one extra mile. Endurace is not giving up on yourself or god in tough situations.
Tender love. Different people have different types of love. Tender love is where you are kind hearted and use gente words and feelings in order to show someone else love. This allows people to be able to open up to you and for you to be able to open up with others. Bill Hybels says “to learn tender heartedness, then we hardhearted people first need to being to see as god sees”. This means that we need to look at other human beings in god's eyes rather than our …show more content…
Radical love is turning the other way when being slapped in the face. This doesn't mean to get beat up, it just means that when someone does you harm or wrong doing, god wants you to be the bigger person and even go the extra mile for the person that hurt you because even though the person caused you pain that person is still a child of god and should be shown love. Radical love is not about revenge, its about forgiving and being a person of character.
In order to apply this reading into my life i have to take a stepback and notice how all of these endangered qualities apply to myself. And upon looking in inquired that i lack many of these traits. SO in order to work on building them it will be a process.
Courage. I would have to work on my courage by looking back on myself and having the courage to face myself and face my fear of admitting my faults. I would also have to take action to not only admit my faults but also fix them so that i can rebuild. Courage for me will be hard because it requires me to challenge myself to think deeper beyond the surface and try to unlock my full