FB 05: Philosophie und Philologie
Department of English Literature and Linguistics
American Studies
PS 1: Introduction to Colonial Literature
SS 2013
Closing date: 16.08.2013
Hero or Villain?
An Analysis of Columbus's Letter to Lord Raphael
Sanchez, Treasurer to Ferdinand and Isabella, King and
Queen of Spain on His first Voyage (1493)
1 Introduction..............................................................................................................2
2 The Story of Christopher Columbus.......................................................................2
2.1 Background.......................................................................................................2 …show more content…
Columbus is associated with exploration, science, and progress and stands for everything people admire. The fact that his way to glory caused the suffering and death of millions of people is often forgotten preventing his image from losing its function as a role model. Analyzing primary, literary sources, however, we are able to get a decent look on the person of Christopher Columbus and his motives. Starting with (2.1) essential background knowledge on the circumstances of his time and continuing with (2.2) information about Columbus and his journey, this paper will address (2.3) Columbus's motives and show that despite his utmost efforts of presenting himself and his actions in a favorable way, Columbus's Letter to Lord Raphael Sanchez,
Treasurer of Ferdinand and Isabella, King and Queen of Spain on His first Voyage (1493) reveals subtextual flaws of the heroic Columbus foreshadowing the negative impact of his actions. 2 The Story of Christopher Columbus