Many bullies are unaware of what is actually going on. Many bullies assume that the person whom is being attacked is enjoying it just as much as themselves. "The most important thing is educating people so they realize the seriousness of the problem, that there is help out there, that there is more we can do, and that we as young lawyers are here to help and make a change." Noting the importance of putting a voice to the bullying issue, Sullivan added, "There is so much we can do as young lawyers by leading by example. This is serious; it is an important issue that affects people in many ways, both mentally and physically” (Modern Language Assoc.). Bullies are unaware and rarely think about the consequences of their actions. This is because they are uneducated about what is actually happening. A person should know bullying could lead an individual to a life threatening choice. If citizens were to educate bullies then there might be less of them. If bullies understand that they had became bullies picking on an innocent victim, they may think twice before doing …show more content…
The victims should also be taught to be assertive without being aggressive. Also teaching that self-defence is allowed in some cases. Adults should make it noticeable that an individual is always available to take about the situation. When an individual is a victim, they tend to worry about other things besides what really matters, themselves. They tend to worry and focus more about the bully themselves rather than the stuff that is more important like school work. If the people were to teach the victims of bullying their self-worth, then the bullies would not be able to attack many people. The things that bullies says to the victims would not much matter anymore because the victim would know it is not correct and they should focus on themselves