Many people today own a pet or some sort, but the most popular are dogs and cats. Everyone has their own particular reason for their choice of pet, but I prefer cats over dogs because cats are more independent than dogs.
Firstly you never have to worry about trying to fit in 2 or 3 walks every day because with cats you don’t need that. For example, if you were tired or sick and you had a dog, you would still need to walk him/her. Or, it would cost money to hire someone else to walk your dog and it is a headache to arrange. Lastly you could put down enough food and drink and the cat would eat and drink when hungry or thirsty. A dog, on the other hand wouldn’t be able to regulate how much it should eat. Also a cat can go to the bathroom in a litter box, but a dog would need someone to take it out on a walk in order to go to the bathroom.
Secondly cats are much quieter pets than dogs especially during times when you want to sleep or relax. For example; let’s say an individual has a tiring day of work and wants to relax. They finally get comfortable when their dog hears a sound outside or sees another dog and starts barking uncontrollably whereas cats keep any moods they have to themselves. Cats do not feel a need to share their opinions with everyone around them. They keep quiet and do not bother with meowing at strangers. When friends arrive at your home, a dog goes into frenzy, barking, leaping and pawing at the newcomer. While the dog does everything possible for approval, from racing around the room to bouncing like a basketball, the cat is usually nowhere to be seen. Cats prefer to observe new arrivals from afar. Maybe, if the cat is in the mood, she'll come out to acknowledge this new person with a tail twitch, a cautious once-over. But that's it. No effusive greetings, no jumping on laps or humping of legs. Lastly, cats make noise only when they need to not because they can. For example, if a dog is hungry he will not let you