
Why Did Mr. Ford Do The Right Thing?

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Why Did Mr. Ford Do The Right Thing?
The Watergate Scandal of 1972, was a scandal involving RIchard Nixon and burglars. In the Scandal Richard was found to be connected to the wire tapping and the stealing of government documents at the Watergate Complex.Gerald Ford pardoned his predecessor for the scandal. The question is did Mr.Ford do the right thing? Even if you barely know anything about the watergate scandal you can still look at it from an ethical standpoint and that's exactly what we are going to do. So let's decide weather Gerald Ford's Pardon was ethical or not.

First of all we need to discuss what the pardon means for Nixon. Nixon committed illegal crimes, and what this means for a normal civilian is that you go to jail and then you have a set court date to attend court with a jury and the jury decides what they think you deserve. In this case Richard Nixon could have been
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After Nixon resigned Gerald Ford was Made president and this means he has the power to investigate what Nixon did and continue to pursue or just ignore it and pretend it never happened. Now from an ethical standpoint he did the “nice” thing, but was it totally fair? Hypothetically if you were to be the owner of a franchise and you decided to steal money and credentials from the company before you passed on ownership would you just get ignored by the next owner? Most likely the next owner would press charges on you and discover what you took and why you took therefore you receive what ever punishment the jury of the court decides for you. Now you are in the hands of the law, and the law enforcement wouldn't just say that you're forgiven and let you go, they would convict you of a crime and you would take your punishment. But that's not what happened to Nixon he got a glorified “I forgive you” without any further investigation or punishment and that's not what should have happened and not fair to anyone else who has been convicted of a

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