
Why Do People Dislike Isaac So Much?

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Why Do People Dislike Isaac So Much?
Ivanhoe is made up several diverse characters with several different backgrounds. This book is one that contains it all: from the popular, and all powerful knight, and his friends, to the unpopular and simply put, despised Jews. It is interesting how these characteristics carry over even to today’s society, and popular people are often regarded higher than those who may seem a little “different” or social outcasts, because one may not be like someone else. Isaac of York, and Rowena have proclaimed themselves to be Jews. During the time of the crusades, everyone seems to dislike Rowena and Isaac. The question that is raised by this topic is, of course, why? Why do people dislike Isaac so much? Why was Rebecca put on trial to be potentially …show more content…
Isaac was a man who lends money, and who had a collection of gold, much like a bank is today. Of course, Isaac did not get this money easily. Issac of course charged interest, and because of this, many people became angry, which could be a cause for the hate that Isaac received. Because of the fact that the “higher ups” have a strong desire for money and are very greedy people, that this has spread throughout the culture, and Isaac has become an easy target for this discrimination. At this time, Isaac had been threatened to be tortured by authorities if he did not give them his money. One of the main reasons that Isaac receives this hate is because, to put it simply, Isaac is a Jew. The Jews were not only persecuted during the World Wars, but also the Jews were persecuted during the Middle Ages. Because of this, this placed a large target on Isaac’s back. If we take a second, and we think about today, often times the people who are most despised are the people who have the most money and things in life. I think this is simply because of one thing, jealousy. People become jealous of what others have, and they begin to question it, and they begin to wonder what it will take for them to obtain …show more content…
If you do not you Christ then what is your quality of life? What do you do to keep yourself happy? How do you view your eternity? Do you believe in God? These are all questions that must be answered, and that must be taken in to account. It is also helpful to remember that we are commanded to treat others how we want to be treated. We are commanded as Christians to treat others how we want to be treated. If we go out, and treat others poorly, the normal, human, sinful reaction is to react in sin, and to lash out and try and one-up the person accusing. We are all created equal in Christ, and we are all required to treat each other with the same love that Christ has graciously given us, after all Jesus did not discriminate when He chose to go and die in the cross for us, so why should we? Under Christ there is no color, or race, because, after all everyone has the same creator. Also, if we have accepted Christ’s gift of salvation, we are all united as Christians under Him, we are called His children, and if we are to make more disciples of Christ, we are called to lead others to Him, treating others like we would want to be

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