Being given the option to run for college has now granted me that opportunity to finally explore outside of the Texas Panhandle. Conveniently, the cross-country team gets invited to meets that are outside of this area which is good for me. Even being in the college of my choosing, which will most likely be down in Abilene, it will get me out of this town and see something different every day.
Whether it’s in Abilene or another state, running in college will give me the best opportunities that are accessible to me. Opportunities come and go, but I shouldn’t let the best opportunities slip through my fingers when it’s being so easily presented to me. Especially since running is so important to me considering the fact that I have been running competitively for almost 6 years. During those 6 years, not only has it helped me build my endurance, it has also taught me the most valuable lessons that I need in life, discipline and