My goal with this guard is to get as many people to join as possible and when people say they can't do marching band because they're involved in another sport during that time I mention winter guard to them so they can know options if they actually want to join. I also think it would be really cool if everyone could get the same trick; for example, a five turn around on rifle or an ensemble flag or weapon exchange. If we can all work together on getting multiple tricks to do as a group or separate I think we could make our winter season or marching season that much
My goal with this guard is to get as many people to join as possible and when people say they can't do marching band because they're involved in another sport during that time I mention winter guard to them so they can know options if they actually want to join. I also think it would be really cool if everyone could get the same trick; for example, a five turn around on rifle or an ensemble flag or weapon exchange. If we can all work together on getting multiple tricks to do as a group or separate I think we could make our winter season or marching season that much