Firstly, Football brings people together as a community from off the field and on the field. The National Football League (NFL) is a “Successful organization for other emerging professional sports as the world becomes more interconnected and cultures become more aware of other cultures” (Baker, 2014). The sport brings all types of people together with passion for the sport no matter race, appearance and any other insecurity’s a person might have, “White and black, Christian and non-Christian, Republican and Democrat, all of them …show more content…
Communication skills are developed through start to finish of a football career. In my younger ages of my life I was not a social kid, When I first started playing football I realized that you have to be social in order to win and be successful. Over the years of playing I started to strive in communication skills because with every practice and game it gave me more confidence and time to develop these skills. This also helped me bring the communication skills that I had learned on the field to school and talking to others, which overall improved my self esteem and self confidence for myself as a person. “It’s not until it’s all said and done, and they look back on it several years later, that they realize the difference the sport made in their lives” (Harbaugh, n.d). Football Training creates a lot of physical strength and endurance, which leads to physical attributes of a football player. Every practice includes a variety of exercises from weight room, team jogs and a lot of outdoor training. All these things improve your physical abilities and makes you a better person and player, it helps when you are playing and creates an advantage over opponents due to size and strength advantage. Football can give a strengthen in mental health as it’s a hardworking, tough sport that tests the limits. It teaches a kind of work ethic that improves skill level and knowledge on the field and off the field. Also, it installs a natural instinct to not give up as you have to play every minute at 100 percent effort no matter the physical fatigue or pain you are in. “People suffering from symptoms of depression and anxiety can often use exercise to help alleviate symptoms and naturally life dark moods. Football also promotes social integration, which also adds its own feel-good factor” (n.a, 2018). Many people find the excitement of the game itself, which can sometimes lead to a