Qualities of an Embalmer A good embalmer must be educated about what is their job all about and how does this can affect their life and their client’s life. Formal education is required for those who wish to become an embalmer and a training which takes at least 2 years. (Mortician School, N.D).There is a process of certification and the proper schooling that must be accomplished before becoming a licensed embalmer (Mitchell IV, 2015). There are on-campus training for those who wanted to study in face-to-face situations …show more content…
Once becoming a licensed embalmer, this is the start where conducting funeral arrangements, direct funerals and embalming is able to do (Mitchell IV, 2015). These qualities are not enough to become a good embalmer because one must have their own personal qualities as a qualification for this profession. The first quality is the sensitivity to the feelings of other people. In this quality, an embalmer must know how to deal to the feelings of other people especially to those who are very emotional and to show the appropriate behavior to them. The second one is a responsible and dignified approach to work. A good embalmer must know their responsibilities in doing their job and they have the presence of becoming an embalmer. The third quality is self-motivation with the ability to work alone. As an embalmer, this job is associated with a lifeless human being. One must not be afraid in working alone and in handling a corpse. The fourth one is that a good embalmer must have a strong stomach for the unusual sights and smells because the dead body contains different bacteria that causes the body to form bad smells or visual image. The last one is an understanding and respect for different religions and cultural beliefs. This is one of the most important quality that an embalmer must have because not everyone has the same beliefs in life and a good embalmer …show more content…
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2003), there are families who are somewhat demanding, just like when they want to make everything to be perfect. There are also times where they are force to do their job at a terrible disruptive time (Mitchell IV, 2015). An embalmer said that, sometimes they were obliged to accept and do weird requests from the families of the dead. For example, a Chinese family want their loved one to wear several layers of clothing. Another weird request they experience was there was once an "Imeldic patient." Her family is a die-hard fan of Imelda Marcos and they want their loved one to be dressed after her. It is hard for them to lift up, carry and dress up the corpse (Cadenas,