Paying for schooling is not the only way the corps will help with college; MOS schools give college credit for just going through the training required for that specific job. The Marines offer annual learning courses that will give you college credits as well, so going to an actual college isn’t the only way to study. Being a Marine is great and has its perks, yet I plan to be a behavioral counselor. In order for this to happen I need to have a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology. I enjoy helping others, for me knowing I can make a difference in someone else’s life for the better is big for me. Learning what causes people to act a certain way or what influences their behavior is important to me. Working in a health and behavioral center is the ideal place for me have a career and solid foundation. Many people stay in the Marines stay in for 20+ years and have this be their careers and way of life till they retire. That is not for me, serving and giving back is something enjoy doing, but I want more than this lifestyle. Going to college is pertinent for me to have the career that I want to
Paying for schooling is not the only way the corps will help with college; MOS schools give college credit for just going through the training required for that specific job. The Marines offer annual learning courses that will give you college credits as well, so going to an actual college isn’t the only way to study. Being a Marine is great and has its perks, yet I plan to be a behavioral counselor. In order for this to happen I need to have a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology. I enjoy helping others, for me knowing I can make a difference in someone else’s life for the better is big for me. Learning what causes people to act a certain way or what influences their behavior is important to me. Working in a health and behavioral center is the ideal place for me have a career and solid foundation. Many people stay in the Marines stay in for 20+ years and have this be their careers and way of life till they retire. That is not for me, serving and giving back is something enjoy doing, but I want more than this lifestyle. Going to college is pertinent for me to have the career that I want to