to consume. Furthermore bottled water is portable and easy to transport.
Consumers can buy a variety pack of bottled waters in all different counts. The bottles come in different sizes for your drinking needs. People can take bottled water anywhere with you and don’t have to get it from the faucet every time consumers want a drink of water. Moreover, if public water systems or natural disasters occur such as hurricanes, fires, and boil alerts. bottled water is convenient to safer drinking. Also, bottled water could be transported wherever needed where disaster occurred. Consumers can store bottled water anywhere because it is so transportable. Bottled water simply tastes better than tap water. Not only does regular bottled water taste better than tap but they also have flavored bottle water you can purchase. Bottled water is protected from bacteria, chemicals, etc. so that’s why it tastes better. Consumers can tell the difference in tap and bottled water simply by the taste. As shown in class with our water taste observation earlier in the week. There is a lot more effort put into bottled water and people monitoring it for it not to taste
good. Although, 25% of bottled water is just tap water disguised, the other 75% is pure and whole water. Read the labels and find the right type of bottled water. Tap water is bad for you with all the chemicals and simply not healthy. Bottled water is much healthier, clean, and convenient. Once the water enters the bottle water plant several processes are employed to ensure that it meets the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) purified water standard. (“FDA. "Consumers - FDA Regulates the Safety of Bottled Water Beverages Including Flavored Water and Nutrient-Added Water Beverages." Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition. Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, 10 Feb. 2017. Web. 20 Feb. 2017.”) In conclusion bottled water is better than tap water because its’s portable, filtered, and taste better. I would prefer bottled water over tap water. When you are thinking about what type of water you should consume bottled water is the way to go. It’s the safer and easiest way to consume the water needed for hydration. Choose the healthier, clean, and convenient route by purchasing bottled water.