
Why Is Gun Control Important

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Why Is Gun Control Important
Firearms are used on an everyday basis. In society today, firearms have gotten even more complex. And criminals have started to center their crime around firearms as well. As people continue to neglect their right to own firearms, it raises a concern on whether firearms are necessary for citizens in America. American citizens need to realize the necessities of firearms.
Firearms provide citizens with self-defense. Citizens without guns are victims of harsh crimes daily by criminals who carry firearms. Carrying a firearm creates a higher capability of protecting a family. In case of a home intruder, a firearm will keep the family safe until police arrives. Sexual assault is common among women in America. A firearm will protect women against
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Although a large group of people still do it. Obviously, it is much easier to hunt with a rifle then a bow and arrow, and taking away guns would severely limit hunting. Animals would be harder to kill, and therefore when an animal was killed by an inexperienced bowman it would have a longer death than if a rifle was available. Beyond that, it has been proven that if people do not hunt animals such as deer and elk the animals will over populate and destroy forests and land along with killing themselves off. Guns are needed for hunting.
As you can see, there are many necessities for citizens being able to carry firearms. Only citizens who do not have serious criminal records should be able to firearms. Since it is in the Constitution that citizens have the right to keep and bear arms, that is a right that the government cannot take away from citizens. Also, if firearms are used correctly they can be a great form of self-defense. This could lessen the amount of lethal attacks in the United States and it also can make the person carrying the weapon feel much safer when they are walking around town or out by themselves. If a minor argument is turned into something lethal, it is by choice of the person who decides to fire the shots and that they should have to do jail time and no longer be able to carry a firearm. Other than that, it is not fair if every citizen is punished for the mistake of one

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